Monday, March 17, 2014

Cake: A Review

If you know me well at all, you know I have an ongoing love affair with designer handbags.  Bags of any kind really.  My closet is overflowing with purses, totes, and overnight bags.  About 6 years ago my then boyfriend bought me my first designer purse.  If you asked my now husband about that day, he would probably say he made a huge mistake for it began what has now become a little bit of an obsession.  Hey, at least I'm an eBayer :)

With such a love for beautiful bags, its no surprise that when I first found out I was pregnant with Drayton, I began dreaming of a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag.  I looked online, saw the Cake line and thought "who would ever pay that for a diaper bag!" I immediately went back to looking at the regular PPB bags and decided I wanted a boxy backpack.  My sweet husband bought it for me...paid full price I might add...and when it arrived I absolutely loved it.  Until baby actually came along.  Then, I began to hate the fact that the changing pad was attached to the front of the bag.  I either had to bring the entire bag to the changing area of a restaurant/store, or I had to remove the changing pad (it was velcroed in).  People, Velcro is loud.  Very loud.  Especially when you're sitting in a church service or funeral.  After a few months of carrying it, I decided it had to go.  It was listed on eBay.

When it sold, I purchased a Cake Society Satchel in Midnight Blackberry.  I got it used, on eBay, for an unbelievable price.  The Society Satchel is by far the classiest, most elegant, option in the Cake bags.  When she arrived, I was smitten.  She was beautiful.
Even though she was used, she had rarely been carried and came in impeccable condition with all the pieces: long strap for carrying as a tote/backpack, changing pad, wipes case, and stroller clips.  I loved this bag for approximately 4 months.  Then, Drayton's toys started getting bigger and he was using his sippy cups more than his bottles.  Soon, it was no longer big enough for long outings.  We're very involved in our church and spend a minimum of 4 hours there on Sunday mornings and another 3 hours or more on Sunday evenings.  This bag simply didn't hold enough for days like that...and this was my "church" bag.  So, once again, my sweet little baby bag was listed on eBay.

It sold in just a few days and for more than I paid for it. (SCORE!) Then, I began the long wait for the day a Hampton Holdall would be listed.  Sadly, the Hampton Holdalls are not as prevalent on eBay as the Society Satchels.  The money from the sale of my SS sat in my PayPal account for weeks.  Weeks y'all.  You have no idea how difficult it was for me to just leave that money sitting there! Eventually, my patience paid off and one day I found a Black Forest Cake HH listed.  Then, I had to wait through the auction, shipping, etc.  Finally, last week, my new bag arrived and now, I have to tell you how completely amazing it is.

First, like the other bags, she is beautiful with her tweed background and black burnout velvet designs.

Second, she is large and holds a ridiculous amount of stuff.  Its so ridiculous that I have everything in there for a toddler and still have room leftover.  When you open up the clasp and unzip the top of the bag, this is what you see:
There are actually 3 compartments there.  The middle, and largest, compartment holds a medicine case, 6 children's books and several toys.  Hi Bob!

One of the side compartments currently holds a changing pad, wipes case, 5 diapers and diaper rash cream.  (This bag didn't come with the original changing pad.  I'm actually ok with that since changing my baby's bottom on the same changing pad another baby's bottom was changed on, kinda freaks me out.  Plus, I was able to order a replacement from PPB for $10.)

The other side compartment usually holds a change of clothes and a bib, in addition to the now present Boogie wipes. 

Now let's talk bottles.  There are 2 interior pockets (in the middle compartment) which could be used for bottles and there are also 2 exterior pockets for bottles/cups.  The exterior pockets are hidden.  When you look at this picture, you probably think "what bottle pocket" right?
This bottle pocket only holds 1 sippy cup, but it will actually hold 2 bottles.  I tested it by putting 2 of Drayton's old Avent bottles in each side.  They fit perfectly.

As if all of that were not enough, she also comes with stroller clips.  What more could you ask for?
(Stock photo from PPB)
I wish I had purchased the Hampton Holdall the first time around.  It is so perfect for chronic over-packers and people with more than 1 child under the age of 3.  My only complaint is that it doesn't come in all of the old retired prints like French Gooseberry and Buttercream.  You can get those in the Society Satchel style though.  My consolation is that if I ever have a girl, I can get this bag in the beautiful pink and grey combination Berry Chiffon.  Currently, this bag is available from PPB in Black Forest Cake, Plum Tart Cake and Key Lime Cake.  If you're willing to drop some really big money, you can also get it in the leather versions.
Currently, I'm saving my $$ for a key lime...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

An Age Old Struggle

At the beginning of the year, there was an amazing sale on Beth Moore ebooks on  I downloaded several I hadn't read.  She isn't Oneness, but I've always loved her writing.  She has such a fresh view of the Word of God.  I immediately began Jesus, The One and Only.  Nearly four weeks later, I'm only about halfway through.  See, when I read a novel, I read very quickly, usually completing 250+ pages in a few hours.  With books like this, I have to slow down and let it soak into my spirit.  The way Beth Moore compares ministry in general, to the ministry of Christ in this book has been eye-opening (and heart-opening) to me. 

I was so excited when I arrived at chapter 33 and saw the title "A True Tale of Two Sisters."  I immediately knew who those two sisters had to be!  I've always loved the story of Mary and Martha.  I remember being so excited when the book Having A Mary Heart in A Martha World came out several years ago.  I read it many times over. 

Beth Moore made so many good points, I thought they would be worth sharing with you.  (All direct quotes from her book will be in quotation marks.)

First, she points out that Jesus loved Martha (John 11:5).  "Martha was a good woman.  Jesus loved her very much, apron and all."  Everything Martha did was good.  Mary simply chose to do something better.

"Martha opened her home, but Mary opened her heart."  How many times have we attended events that wouldn't have happened without a Martha?  Our church congregations have a Martha to thank for a clean place to worship and meals served for special events.  Luke 10:38 says "As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him."  Not Lazarus, not Mary.  Martha was the one who invited Jesus into their home that day.  "Otherwise, Mary wouldn't have had a set of feet at which to sit...Martha's hospitality brought Him there."  I think there is a point to be made here.  Outside of family, we have very few people at our house.  I usually feel there's too much involved getting my toddler-proofed house ready for "real company."  I would hate to think someone had missed out on communion with the Savior, because I wasn't willing to open my home.  We have to know when to serve and when to stop and worship.  Its a balance that is learned.  While God would say its best to open your heart, don't you think He also wants you to open your home?

"Distraction is the noble person's biggest hindrance to listening."  "Martha wasn't stopping her ears and refusing to listen.  She simply 'was distracted.'"  Oh mercy.  How many times have I left a service and wondered what the message was about?  Distractions come in many forms.  In Martha's case, however, the church service was happening in her living room!  I cannot imagine how distracted I would have been...preparing lunch for the Messiah, while He sat in my living room teaching and preaching.  I wouldn't have heard a word He said!  I wouldn't been too worried that if I stopped to focus on Him, I would burn the rolls in the oven.

"Sometimes ministry can be the biggest distraction to the pursuit of true intimacy with God."  This point was huge to me.  Luke 10:40 says "Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made."  "You may faint when you see the Greek word for 'preparations.' The word is diakonos.  It means 'service, attendance, ministry.' We are more familiar with the word diakonos, meaning 'servant.' God's Word is saying that if we're not careful, even our need-meeting, well-meaning ministries can distract us from what is most important."

In some ways, I have more time than I used to, in other ways I don't.  I'm not preparing for youth services anymore.  I have no department head meetings to attend.  I do, however, have lots of traveling to do as my husband evangelizes part time.  Its not easy preparing to be out of town when you work 33 hours a week, have a toddler, and are active in your home church as well.  It is definitely easy to become overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks of life and ministry, in any season of it.  Its easy to put the Bible on the back burner, while you prepare a meal for Bible study.  I wonder if God would prefer we pick up some fried chicken, and spend our time in prayer and study of the Word, as opposed to rushing around picking up toys and cooking?  Have you heard the saying, "If Satan can't make us bad, he'll make us busy."  Satan technically can't make us anything, but we often give him lots of opportunity to manipulate.  Lord please don't let me become so busy "helping You" that I don't have time to hear from You.

"Martha forgot to keep the 'pre' in preparation."  Remember how the scripture said Martha was distracted by all the preparations.  "Understand that these preparations were not frivolous.  They were important!  By doing them, Martha served Christ appropriately and enhanced the atmosphere in which He taught."  If I'm going to be in someone's home, I would definitely like for that person to be a Martha.  Martha's home will be clean and her food will taste wonderful.  Stay with a Mary, and you may starve to death!  The problem with Martha's preparations, was that she didn't limited them to the "'pre,' she continued her duties when the time came to sit at Christ's feet and listen."  Oh yes, our preparations are critical.  Every church service, every prayer meeting, every small group gathering.  All depend on preparation.  I don't believe God is adequately honored when our music is sloppy, our foyers aren't homey and inviting, our sanctuaries are full of used Kleenex from the previous service.  However, God is doubly honored, when our preparation happens in advance so that when the time comes to stop and worship, we are able to do it with our minds free of distraction.

"Those distracted by service are often those who miss how much Jesus cares."  Verse 40 says, "'Martha came to Christ and asked, 'Lord, don't You care?' I have a feeling if someone had asked Mary at the end of the day if Christ cared about her, she would have answered affirmatively without hesitation.  Mind you, John 11:5 has already assured us Jesus loved both of them very much.  I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that at times Mary probably sensed His love and care more readily than Martha. Why?  I believe John 15:9 holds the key.  Jesus told the disciples, 'remain in my love.' The more we cultivate a keener awareness of Christ's presence, the more we will abide or remain in the sense of His love.  Christ's love for us never changes.  However, our sense of His loving care changes drastically from time to time...Sometimes we are so shocked when a seasoned servant of God confesses that he or she is struggling with belief and awareness of God's loving care.  We might think, you of all people!  You are such a wonderful servant of God.  How can you doubt for a moment how much He cares for you? Could it be that somehow service has distracted from the abundant, life-giving intimacy?  Don't neglect to give Him ample opportunities to lavish you with the love He always feels for you."

The last point she made was this:

"Many things are important, but only one thing is necessary."  "In our fight for right priorities, many things vie for the top of the heap, but only one is necessary."  My relationship with God is the one thing I cannot do without!  The message to Martha that day was not that we should neglect family or responsibility to pray and study the Word.  "His message is that many things are important, but one thing is essential: Him." 

"As we conclude, look at three simple words from Luke 10:42: 'Mary has chosen.' That's how it will always be.  Right priorities will never choose us.  They are a choice - in the midst of many other good ones.  The word chosen comes from the Greek word eklego, meaning 'to choose, select, choose for oneself.' We can't choose what is necessary for anyone else, but we can certainly set an example.  The remainder of the definition reads: 'not necessarily implying the rejection of what is not chosen, but giving favor to the chosen subject, keeping in view a relationship to be established between the one choosing and the object chosen.  It involves preference and selection from among many choices.'

The choice is ours...what will it be?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Struggle With Doubt

I've been blessed in my life to know people who seemed to live out their faith flawlessly.  At least through my childish eyes, they never had bouts with doubt.  Looking back through my adult eyes, I'm pretty sure there were times they doubted God's plan.

Luke 7 tells of John the Baptist sending messengers to Jesus.  The messengers asked Jesus if He was the Messiah.  Jesus told them to return to John and tell them, "The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor."  Luke neglected to tell us (thankfully Matthew did) that John was sitting in a prison cell at the time.  John knew in his head that Jesus was the Messiah.  Sitting in that prison cell, however, was causing a little doubt in his heart.

Can you relate?  I know I can.  I've seen miraculous healings and heard incredible testimonies all of my life.  Yet, there have been times when I so desperately desired God's intervening power on my behalf, that all the times I knew He had come through in the past seemed nonexistent.  During those times, its easy to doubt who He is.  Its also easy to question why He isn't doing something for you, when you hear testimony after testimony from others. 

John the Baptist was not like "a reed swayed by the wind."  Like those precious saints I knew growing up, he was a man of absolute faith.  I don't believe for an instant that John was struggling with "head-doubt."  I think, however, sitting in a prison and hearing about Jesus proclaiming freedom to the captives, he was thinking "Hey You, I know a prisoner over here who could use a little freedom!"  His struggle was with "heart-doubt."  There is most definitely a difference. 

A little heart-doubt from time to time is probably normal, but it has the potential to be very dangerous.  The problem comes when we allow our emotions to override what we know in our minds to be true.  Jeremiah 17:9 says "the heart is deceitful above all things."  This is why the world's philosophy "just follow your heart" can be so detrimental to disciples of Christ. 

We have to work through our periods of heart-doubt WITH Jesus, through prayer and godly counsel.  We can't allow our moments of heart-doubt to override what we know, that we know, that we know to be true in our minds:  God's way is always the right way.

Frustratingly, sometimes we merely come to the conclusion that God's plan is greater than ours and there are some things we will never understand this side of heaven.  God's way was right for John. The timing of his incarceration was not an accident.  The Bible says John's task was to prepare the way of the Lord.  Even John himself said "He must increase and I must decrease."   John continuing in ministry could have actually caused some people to miss out on salvation. 

Again, God's way is always right.  When John the Baptist reached heaven and understood the kingdom plan, do you think he would have traded his role in that plan for anything?  More than that, do you think he would have given up those days he spent in a prison cell?  He alone was chosen to prepare the way for the greatest work of God known to man.  What could be greater than that?

If you're struggling with a little heart-doubt today, keep your chin up.  There is a kingdom plan in motion, there is reason you are sitting where you are.  Please don't allow your heart-doubt to invade your mind.  Think on good things.  Remind yourself of God's faithfulness in the past.  Encourage yourself in the Lord.  One day, it will all make sense.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Drayton's Year in Review

2013 was a very big year for me!  It was my only year as a baby.  For the next couple years, I'll be referred to as a toddler.  It was lots of fun growing up!  I did a lot of things for the first time!

At 2 months, I rolled over like a big boy in my bed.  My mommy was right there and caught me mid-roll!

During my 3rd month of life, I got really good at sitting in my Bumbo seat (those things are so cool!) and I also went on my very first evangelistic trip with my daddy.  I promise, I was a perfect angel the whole trip!

Hotels are very fun places to play!

I think my 4th month was the busiest for me the whole year...I did a lot of fun things that month!  I got to eat real food (cereal and apples, but real food for me!) for the first time!  I also got a walker...those things are so much fun!  I was able to go all over the house!

I was also dedicated to the Lord that month.  I'm not quite sure yet what that means exactly, but mommy and daddy tell me they promised to raise in me church and teach me to love the Lord.

I got to do 1 more big boy thing that month - my mommy gave me a sippy cup!  I've been very attached to them ever since!  Only babies use bottles :)

At 5 months I decided I didn't need that Bumbo thing anymore...I could sit up by myself!
I really enjoy doing smart things to amaze my, I decided I would start crawling when I was only 6 months.  Everyone loved watching me crawl around at church, I guess because I was so little and cute!

Crawling was not enough for me, I wanted to stand and see things whenever I wanted!  At 7 months, I thought it would be safe to try grabbing onto furniture, or my parents/grandparents, and seeing if I could see what they were seeing!  I tried it and of course, I was a pro!

I said my first word at 8 months.  Mommy doesn't have a picture of that, but you should have seen the smile on her face when I said "momma!"

I was only satisfied with standing for a little while, so soon I attempted to walk by myself.  It was very scary at first, so for a little while I only did it when there was something to hold onto.

That same month (9 months old), I celebrated my first Independence Day!  I don't know what that means either, but my mommy sat me in a little red chair, gave me a picture of a man I've never met, and started taking pictures of me!  I think I heard someone say this man's name was Joe and I'm named after him.  He must have been pretty special if they gave me his name!

When I turned 10 months old, I decided I needed to be brave and started walking by myself!!  No one has been able to stop me since!  I go nonstop from the time I get up in the morning, until I go to bed at night!

In October, I celebrated my very first birthday!  That was the day I became a toddler!  I didn't like my cake very much :(  I would rather eat macaroni and cheese.  I don't think I want a cake at all my next birthday...maybe just a giant chocolate chip cookie!

A few days after my birthday, it was Halloween.  I got all dressed up in my Sheriff Woody costume and patrolled the neighborhood looking for candy thieves! 

In November, my mommy decided I needed to have a haircut.  I didn't know ponytails weren't acceptable for boys in our family.  I behaved (thanks to Jonah) and my daddy was able to trim my hair without incident!

We just celebrated Christmas.  It wasn't my first one, but its the first one I remember.  I was a tiny baby last Christmas.  I couldn't even open my own presents!  This year was so much more fun.  I got a little puppy of my very own and a bunch of Veggietales stuff!  I hope you were as excited to see all the gifts as I was!

Well, I guess that's all.  My year in review.  I'm very excited about my accomplishments.  My mommy says they make her very sad because they mean I'm growing up.  Isn't that silly?  I can't wait to do more big boy stuff in 2014!

I love all my fans so much!

Drayton Joel Campbell

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Blessing of Family

Had to run a quick errand for the boss today.  When I got in my car, Steven Curtis Chapman was playing on the radio.  It was quiet since I was in the car alone (I'm usually singing and acting silly for Drayton!), so I had a chance to stop and listen to the words he was singing...

Well I guess I should go ahead and tell you [Santa] now
If it's really true about that list you have
Somehow I always seem to end up in a fight
But I'm really trying hard not to be bad
But maybe if I had a brother or a dad to wrestle with
Well, maybe they could teach me how to get along
And from everything I've heard
Sounds like the greatest gift on earth would be a mom

All I really want for Christmas
Is someone to tuck me in
A shoulder to cry on if I lose
Shoulders to ride on if I win
There's so much I could ask for
But there's just one thing I need
All I really want for Christmas

Is someone who'll be there
To sing me “Happy Birthday”
For the next 100 years
And it's OK if they're not perfect
Well, even if they're a little broken, that's alright
‘Cause so am I
All I really want for Christmas is a family

Just a family

That's all I really need

The line "even if they're a little broken, that's alright, 'cause so am I" really captured my attention today.   

The fact is, many of us come from large families.  We have lots of cousins, aunts/uncles and siblings.  Some of them get on our nerves.  Sometimes our parents, and even our children get on our nerves.  Occasionally our spouses get on our nerves.  You just can't grow up with someone and never have a disagreement.  Its impossible for 2 people to live together in perfect harmony, always seeing a situation in the exact same way.

There are no perfect families.  Every family has times of drama, crankiness and rude comments.  We are all imperfect people, and since families are made up of people, they all have their own version of problems.  Families are usually pretty good at mending fences and building bridges though.  In my own family, I know we always find a way to forgive and love, and, although we may get on each other's nerves and let our opinions of each other be known with loud, boisterous, rude comments, no one from the "outside" had better mess with one of us.  We can come together again real quick if the need for defense should arise.

Amidst all the chaos we deal with comparing calendars and trying to get everyone together, we sometimes forget this simple truth:   there are people in this world who will spend Christmas alone this year.  People who would give anything to be part of a family, even a broken and imperfect one.  

If you will be spending your Christmas holidays in the company of even 1 person this year, you are very richly blessed.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I just tossed my 2013 calendar in the trash can.  As I pulled it out of my purse, I thought about all the things that transpired in my life this year.

In January, I got my first taste of what its like to be a working mom and let me tell you, it's tough.  When you're involved in your church and work, life can be crazy hectic anyway.  Throwing a baby in the mix makes you wonder how you thought you were so busy before.  Looking back I realize, I had all kinds of free time last year!!

In March, I tagged along with my husband for my first trip as an evangelist's wife.  He had preached out of town before, but prior to that weekend I never accompanied him before.  That was an experience.  An entire weekend spent in a hotel with a 3 month old baby, a baby with reflux at that, hoping the 30 bibs I had brought with us would actually last for 3 days.  I remember praying that Drayton would behave during the services on Sunday.  I don't think I'll ever forget it.  Thankfully, the Smiths are very kind people and didn't act like they minded Drayton's constant fussing!

In August, we went on what turned out to be our last "youth trip."  Many memorable things happened that week...several bus breakdowns, issues finding restaurants open/able to serve a group of 40, unbelievable church services, amazing preaching...It was incredible to see the lives of those so precious to us being changed.  Hearing several say things like "God spoke to me tonight" or "I feel God calling me."  While at NAYC, I also got a call from my mom that the doctor had pronounced her "cured" of pemphigus vulgaris.  Something we had been told would never happen!

In September, after much prayer and many, many tears cried, we stopped working with the youth group.  It was by far the hardest decision made this year.  I still miss my girls (and guys...well, some of them anyway :)) so much.  I feel so at peace with our decision, yet I still wish it hadn't been something we needed to do...if that makes any sense at all! 

In October, we celebrated our sweet little Drayton turning 1 year old.  We couldn't imagine life without the little stinker.  He's such a silly bundle of boyish fun.  I love his squeals and laughter!!  Nothing in the world will brighten a dreary day like when he stops playing, runs over and gives you a spontaneous little hug. 

In November, Dathaniel and I celebrated 5 years of marriage. We had a great time traveling to Savannah and then to Charleston.  When Dathaniel asked me several months ago where I would like to go, I had an immediate response!  I had dreamed of visiting Savannah and Charleston since the first time I read Gone With the Wind in 4th grade.  It was a dream come true for me.  I got to imagine life as Scarlett O'Hara for an entire 5 days!!!

I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.  Now, we are looking with great expectation at the dawn of 2014.  I can definitely say I hope there are less "firsts" next year.  We are in a period of waiting, so maybe there won't be any firsts.  Then again, maybe the waiting will end and we'll have a mountain of firsts.  Either way, we are in God's hands. 

As we get ready to celebrate the birth of our Savior, I've been thinking a lot about Mary's experience when she was visited by Gabriel.  We've heard the story told so many times, we've read about it so many times, and yet it is still amazing to ponder.  This year I've been thinking Mary would have been around the same age as my niece, Camryn.  I can't fathom Camryn being a mother, much less being the Messiah's mother!!  I wouldn't even let her babysit Drayton!  How fearful must the angel's announcement have made her.  What a terrifying task to be given.  I don't think any task God could possibly give me could ever compare to her's. 

I began reading Jesus, The One and Only this week (for at least the 3rd time) and for whatever reason, just yesterday I realized, that when Gabriel said in Luke 1:31, "you are to give him the name Jesus," it was the very first proclamation of our Savior's name.  This is the first time He is referred to as Jesus.  The  name at which every knee will bow.  A name I've called on in many trials.  A name I pray over my child every day of his life.  A name that holds more power than any other.  That name heals the sick and causes demons to flee.  Oh, how I love the name!!

Jesus...the hope of the world.  A fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. 

No matter what God may request of us in 2014, with every great task there also comes a promise and a new hope. 

I hope we can all look to the future without fear, but with baited breathe...waiting for the promises of God to unfold in our lives.

Merry Christmas friends!

Monday, August 12, 2013

NAYC 2013

We had an amazing time this past week at North American Youth Congress 2013!!  Can't wait to be in Oklahoma City in 2015!!  A powerpoint is being prepared, but in the meantime, here are a few pictures and a little narrative of our experience...

We left the church on Tuesday around 7 p.m. 

Everyone packed onto the bus, got comfortable with their pillows and blankets.  We had the snacks and drinks ready...we were all settled in for a nice, comfortable ride to Louisville.  We stopped around midnight for dinner - don't remember the town.  Next stop was at a McDonald's near Nashville, TN for breakfast at around 7 a.m. Wednesday morning.  We were about an hour out of Louisville, when our bus started beeping.  The driver pulled over to assess the problem...the radiator was leaking.  Bro. Russell Hayes and Dathaniel jumped out of the bus and put the cones out.  It wasn't enough however, because we were sitting on downside of a big hill.  Just when we didn't think it could get any worse, it started pouring down rain!  Russell and Dathaniel began using t-shirts to flag traffic.  Inside the bus, the women and students were beginning to panic.  We could see vehicles barely missing hitting the bus.  In that moment of desperation, our youth and chaperones began praying and asking for God's protection.  Revival began before we even made it to NAYC. 

They were able to put water in the radiator and we limped to the first exit and made a stop in the sweet little town of Bonnieville, Kentucky.  These precious people were a Godsend.  The tiny little mini mart let people charge their phones in the kitchen, let students sit on the floor and fill the aisles without complaint.  They went out of their way to make us comfortable.  Another bus arrived to pick us up and we finally made it to Louisville around 3 p.m. 

Finally, we made it to NAYC 13!!!

Our first service was pretty uneventful - it was a miracle we all stayed awake.  However, the next day Bro. McGovern preached an awesome message about hearing the call when you are young, before the business and craziness of life affects your hearing and you are unable to hear the calling of God so clearly.  His title was Above All, The Call.  That night, Bro. Tim Gaddy preached an amazing sermon on The Three Altars.  The first altar is marriage - it matters who you marry!  The second alter is heritage - learn to love the stories of your elders and listen to their advice.  They know what they are talking about.  The third altar is the supernatural.  Everything important in your life happens at an altar.  You are dedicated at an altar.  You get married at an altar.  You receive the Holy Ghost at an altar.  It was amazing and it was so precious seeking our youth weeping and thanking God for their heritage.  We were the last group out of the building that night.  Security kicked us out.  It was after this service that several of our youth began to talk about a call to missions.  They were so excited and making plans to go on an AYC trip next summer.

The final day, Bro. James Maroney preached an excellent sermon about "these signs shall follow them that believe."  He said should not be wondering around aimlessly looking for signs, but we should be sign makers!  We aren't following the signs, the signs are following us!  The power of God again fell on our youth. 

The final message was from Bro. Cortt Chavis.  It was phenomenal.  Mind-blowing.  Amazing.  Confirmation.  I could go on and on.  His title was The Divine Balance Between the Fork and the Field.  The field is ready for harvest, but we have gotten too content sitting at the table.  He brought out how those who sit at the table longest began to lose their appetite.  The longer we sit and feast at the table the fuller we become and began to nit pick and lose awe at the dishes we once found delightful.  However, those who have been busy working in the field are thankful for whatever dinner is served to them.  They are starving when they get to the table, so anything God offers is a feast.  He used the passage in Isaiah 6:

Isaiah’s Commission

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne;
and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings:
With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two
they were flying. And they were calling to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
    the whole earth is full of his glory.”
At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple
was filled with smoke.
“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with
tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips;
your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

So often, our focus is on the fact that Isaiah saw the Lord.  We focus on the "table experience" and never  make it to the commission.  Yes, Isaiah saw the Lord's glory in a way he never had before, but he also answered when the Lord said "Who will go?"  There was no hesitation when Isaiah said "Send me!"  The impact this message had on the students of Abundant Life Church was insane.  They were all crying and weeping and then we saw them begin to minister to each other.  They first saw the harvest needed among themselves.  Sarah and Kaitlyn were laying hands on their fellow youth.  When Sarah prayed for Catelyn she shouted all over the place and broke the heel of her shoe!  Even leaving the KFC Center that night - the service was all they talked about all the way to the bus.  The ones who were feeling called to missions received their confirmation from God.  Many others also received vision and heard the calling of God.  The experiences of those couple days have changed their lives (and ours) forever!

Even Lilly and Elizabeth attended every service and worshipped and prayed :)

On Friday our original bus finally arrived in Kentucky, seemingly repaired.  So Saturday morning at 8 a.m. we began our journey home.  It was smooth sailing for awhile, but as we drove into Arkansas our bus again began to experience problems with the radiator.  We stopped at a gas station and our driver put water in it with hopes of making it to Little Rock Arkansas.  We were about 20 miles outside of Little Rock, when the bus began overheating again.  We stopped at another gas station and waited for a new bus.  The Lord provided us with the best!  We were all jumping and screaming with excitement when we saw each seat had outlets and we could charge our phones.  We had leather seats.  Hardwood floors.  It was amazing.  From there, our journey home was uneventful.  However, it ended up taking us a full 24 hours on the road to make it back to Willis, Texas.

None of our youth missed church yesterday.  Instead, even in their sleep deprived state, they led in worship and prayed for the ones who were unable to make it to NAYC.  They are the absolute best group of students in the entire world!!  When you work in youth ministry and carry a burden for them like Dathaniel and I do, seeing them leading in worship, feeling the call of God, and ministering to others, makes every trouble seem so small.  We love each of them so much and can't wait to see all that God has in store.